November 2024
Book signing and presentation
We are delighted to present our book, published by Caryatide, at the OFFPRINT book fair on November 10 at 5 pm at the Pavillon de l'Arsenal and on November 27 at 7:30 pm at the Volume bookshop in Paris.

Engadine Architecture Days
October 19, 2024
Barrault Pressacco will speak at the 4th Engadine Architecture Days on October 19 at Fundaziun Nairs in Switzerland about their research on WALLNESS, tackling the subject « A different way of building ? ». With Christian Inderbitzin & Roger Boltshauser, Hans Kollhoff, Karin Sander, Delphine Schmid, Marlène Leroux, James Binning and Amy Perkins (Assemble), Jaume Mayol, Florian Nagler, Jan Berni.

International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam
June-Spetember 2024
Very excited to be part of the next International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam. We are participating in the installation 'Material Transition - Learning from Grand Paris' curated by Chrith and Emma Diehl.

Zweite Moderne
Guest critic, May 2024
ETH Zürich
Thibaut Barrault is guest critic for the Spring Semester Design Studio "Jura Résistant" with professor Mosayebi at ETH Zürich.

Towards an environmental rationalism
Press, January 2024
d'a magazine
We are happy to share with you a portrait of our practice written by Maryse Quinton entitled "Vers un nouveau rationalisme environnemental" and published in issue 313 of d'a magazine, December-January 2024. Read here ↗

Talking about architecture
Lecture, December 2023
Bauhaus-Universität Weimar
Barrault Pressaco takes part in a series of lectures at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. Under the banner "Materials, objects, assemblage", we explore the languages of the economy through a series of objects: found objects, standard objects, poor objects, offbeat objects, performance objects.

Les formes du réemploi
Winter School, February 2024
École d'architecture de la ville et des territoire Paris-Est
Thibaut Barrault, architect and teacher, has been appointed curator of the Winter School 2024 at the Paris-Est School of Architecture, with "Les formes du réemploi" as his theme. The workshops will be an invitation to think collectively about the ideas and forms of re-using materials and objects from our everyday lives, and will seek to confront them with formal and cultural ambitions that are more firmly rooted in the history, present and future of architecture. Associated with the notions of ’as-found’ and ’ready-made’, these processes recall the great artistic canons and allow us to take a committed aesthetic stance. Confronted with questions of construction and assembly, they point to the subject of language and suggest a new definition.

The thickness of architecture
Debate, September, 7, 2023 at 2:45 pm
OPEN23, Aarhus School of Architecture
Barrault Pressacco will be taking part in OPEN23 festival in Aarhus, this year under the theme Solidarity. Join the debate with Thibaut Barrault and Cyril Pressacco and Søren Pihlmann about the changing role of the architect, from solely shaping to curating materials, conducting research and experiments while constructing, reusing and repurposing materials. A conversation among three practitioners, who add a new and necessary cultural and disciplinary dimension to architecture.

Objets trouvés, Culture and Forms of repurposing
Opening, May, 12, 2023
Cité de l'archietcture et du patrimoine, Paris
Objets Trouvés is an invitation to think collectively about the subjects of reuse and repurposing of materials in order to add a necessary cultural and disciplinary dimension. This exhibition brings together forty-two international practices to speculate on the transformation of a series of objects, and builds new, indulgent and poetic views with the material heritage that surrounds us.

Enseigner, construire, chercher.
Lecture-talk, March, 22nd, 2023
École Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Bretagne
Barrault Pressacco will give a lecture at the Bretagne architecture school. At a time when French schools of Architecture are mobilising against their pauperization and fragilization, we will speak about this triptych as the foundation of our work and our commitments as architects. School, the construction site and research are a constant investigation ground for the future.

The necessity of fullness
Lecture, February 22nd, 2023
University of Notre Dame, School of architecture.
Thibaut Barrault and Cyril Pressacco will give a lecture at the University of Notre Dame School of architecture on Wednesday, February 22nd at 5:15pm, South Bend Time, Indiana, USA.
Watch here ↗.

Research project, February 2023
BMA, Bruxelles-Capitale
We are very pleased to announce that we have been selected and granted a research fellowship by the bouwmeester maitre architecte to develop an innovative and strong spatial concept for the Brussels Capital Region. Our proposal entitled "L'épaisseur de l'architecture, études sur les formes contemporaines de l'isolation" (The Thickness of Architecture, Studies on Contemporary Forms of Insulation) is in line with the work carried out by the office on natural materials and the formal questions it underlies.

Objet trouvé, les formes du réemploi
Opening november 25, 2022
Cité de l’architecture & du patrimoine
Invited by the Cité de l'architecture & du patrimoine in duo with the Collectif Encore to take over the Plateforme de la Création Architecturale for six months, our installation entitled “Objet trouvé” intends to bring a new perspective to the strategy of reuse. The transformation of the symbolic figure of the halfpipe into an architectural model adds a cultural and disciplinary ambition to the intention of a reuse approach. A full program around this topic will be announced shortly.

La libération de l’objet
Cycle of lectures
Thibaut Barrault is the curator of a series of lectures organized as part of his teaching at Paris East school of Architecture (EAVT) and in partnership with the Pavillon de l'Arsenal. This cycle gives voice to architects who, through their interest in construction, define committed languages, and through their production, propose new forms to the question of the economy. Watch the full cycle here ↗
Piovenefabi, Environnements ↗
Leopold Banchini, Tears in the Club ↗
Anniina Koivu et Andrea Caputo, U-Joints – A taxonomy of connections ↗
Kozo Kadowaki, Autonomy of Architectural Elements ↗
Charline Dayer et Dafni Retzepi, SUJETS OBJETS/
Thomas Lommée, designer et fondateur de Openstructures ↗
Barreau et Charbonnet
Inge Vinck, Architecten Jan De Vylder Inge Vinck ↗
Rotor ↗

Conserver, adapter, transmettre
From November 2022 to Mars 2023
Pavillon de l’Arsenal
Our ongoing project of a parking garage transformed into studio apartments is part of the group show “Preserve, adapt, pass on” presented at the Pavillon de l’Arsenal. This exhibition explores the promise of buildings capable of addressing global warming and the scarcity of resources while satisfying the ambition of heritage preservation.

May 13, 2022
Biennale of landscape and architecture of Île-de-France
Barrault Pressacco is proud to participate to the 2nd edition of BAP!, titled : "Visible, Invisible - The invention of new terroirs in architecture through material and energy". Curated by Nicolas Dorval Bory and Guillaume Ramillien. On view until July 13, 2022.

052 RAI ↗
April 22, 2022
Housing, Le Raincy (FR)
The building is finished. The new tenants started moving in.

Bundesstiftung Baukultur
April 7, 2022
Bundesstiftung Baukultur invited Thibaut Barrault to participate to a day of dialogue and round tables in Munich within the realm of their Baukulturdialogen program.

KHORA, Marseille
February 22, 2022
Workshop and Lecture
The collectif KHORA invited Thibaut Barrault and Cyril Pressacco to participate to a workshop in Marseille. The day was concluded by a lecture in the Maison de l'Architecture et de la Ville MAV PACA.

Architectural Association, London
January 28, 2022
Thibaut Barrault has been invited by the Architectural Association School of Architecture to participate to debates and talks about the stone construction, and its potential contemporaneity. The debates was introduced by a lecture presenting the work of the office Barrault Pressacco.

Work In Progress, EPFL, Lausanne
Decembre 13, 2021
Guest critic
The studio TEXAS, led by Éric Lapierre, invited Thibaut Barrault to talk and exchange about teaching, next to Sophie Delhay, at the EPFL. Representation, tools, ambitions will be discussed through the reading of all the EPFL's studios, from bachelor to master programs.

Practices in Research, CIIVA, Brussels
October 27, 2021
Our office has been invited by the Practices in Research team (Benoît Vandenbulcke, Benoît Burquel, Harold Fallon) to present its investigations and centers of interest at CIIVA, Brussels. It is a pleasure to expose our convictions, and the way we are trying to structure our studies and team.

Critical Mass, EPFL, Lausanne
October 25, 2021
Our office has been invited by the the Studio EAST (Laboratory of Elementary Architecture and Studies of Types) to present its work, and its stone building experience.

069 EPS ↗
September 14, 2021
Housing, Palaiseau (FR)
It s a win! Our team, composed with Immobilière 3F and Demathieu Bard Immo (MOA), Baumschlager Eberle, Hardel Lebihan, Anne Demians, Nunc, Martin Duplantier, has won the competition to build around 350 apartments and offices in Palaiseau (94). Our office will share the plot C1.7 together with Baumschlager Eberle, and lead the design of more than 160 units.

094 BRU ↗
July 20, 2021
Housing, Paris 13 (FR)
It s a win! Our team, composed with Groupe Giboire (MOA), Barrault Pressacco, LM Ingénieurs, Espace Temps, BMF, Acoustique Conseil, Jean Chevalier, Simon Boudvin, has won the competition to build a housing tower in Paris 13. The construction process - using massive stones, hempcrete, wood and concrete - will be a first for a 50m height building.

052 RAI ↗
July 10, 2021
Housing, Le Raincy (FR)
The structure of the building, made of massive bricks and concrete lintels, has been finalized. The completion is due by the end of 2021.

047 MRX ↗
May 3, 2021
Housing, Paris 18 (FR)
The building is finished. The new tenants will be moving in shortly.

068 BOB ↗
March 24, 2021
126 apartments, Bobigny (FR)
Construction has begun for the two housing projects. Completion is due by the end of 2022.

109 SCH ↗
March 12, 2021
Student housing + cultural center, Brussels, Belgium
We are very happy to be shortlisted for our first competition in Brussels, in collaboration with AgwA.

052 RAI ↗
September 28, 2020
18 apartments, Le Raincy, (93)
Brick work has started at Le Raincy! The building will host 18 apartments, and will be completed by the end of 2021.

088 JOL ↗
July 15, 2020
2024 Olympic Village, Saint Ouen (93)
The building permission for the 100 apartments project has been submitted. Construction will start at the end of 2021.

101 CDC ↗
June 18, 2020
New research!
Our team, composed with Barrault Pressacco and Giaime Meloni, has won an award to lead a research about insolation. The studies will demonstrate the cultural issues inherent to this elements, and its impact on the architectural form. More soon!

092 LEB ↗
June 15, 2020
Parking garage transformation, Paris 17
Our office has been commissioned in 2019 by Nexity to develop a housing project within a parking garage in Paris 17. Completion due 2021. More soon!

088 JOL ↗
December 3, 2019
2024 Olympic Games, Paris
Very happy to be part of the winning-proposal to build one part of the next Olympic village that will host the 2024 games in Paris!

October 3, 2019
Triennal de Arquitectura de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal
Lisbon Triennal’s Curator in chief Éric Lapierre invited us to present our building built with stones rue Oberkampf in Paris, as part of the Economy of Means exhibition. A huge thank to him and his team for this invitation.
Opening October 3rd at 7pm, MAAT Central Tejo, Lisbon.

087 SVP ↗
May 24, 2019
Saint Vincent de Paul, Paris 14, France
The team, composed with Barrault Pressacco, Thomas Raynaud Architectes, 22 Degrés Landscape architects, Bouygues Immobilier (developer), Demathieu & Bard Immobilier (developer), has been selected by Paris Métropole Aménagement to participate to the 'Bâtiment Lelong' competition. The project will transform the existing building into a 12000m2 housing and activities program, into the 'Grands Voisins' neighborhood, facing the fabulous Fondation Cartier.

047 MRX ↗
May 10, 2019
End of concrete work, Paris 18, France
At 047 MRX ↗, the contractor finalized the concrete skeleton work. Soon, the facade composed with a mix of hemp and wood will be applied, and wrapp all the building. Completion of the construction is due at the end of 2019.

086 AUG ↗ May 3, 2019
In Ground We Trust, Bap!, Versailles (78), France
Our installation 086 AUG ↗ 'In Ground We Trust' is an ode to the soil, its fragments and its products. It expresses today's necessary relation between territory, ground and architecture. It is composed of a 'Mandala', built with stones and pieces of wood, and two photographs called 'Extractions'. It is part of the first Ile de France Architecture and Landscape Biennal, inaugurated today in the Pavillon Augures, and curated by AUC-Djamel Klouche. An other terrestrial journey with our beloved friend Giaime Meloni.