
Barrault Pressacco was created in 2009 by Thibaut Barrault and Cyril Pressacco. Its activity is shared between urban projects and metropolitan strategies, architecture, research and teaching. A team of twenty collaborators works on diverse subjects and scales, producing projects which engage wholeheartedly with contemporary challenges and contexts.
31 rue André Joineau
93310 Le Pré Saint-Gervais
+33 1 87 44 82 60
Thibaut Barrault
Born in 1979. Graduated from the Paris-Est School of Architecture (ENSAVT ↗) in 2005 (master degree) and 2006 (dplg degree). Works in Paris, Rotterdam and Buenos Aires, and mainly with OMA-Rem Koolhaas. Teaches since 2007 at the Paris-Est School of Architecture (ENSAVT).
Cyril Pressacco
Born in 1977. Graduated in 1997 from the Civil Engineering IUT of Lyon (master degree), and in 2005 from the Architecture department at the Lausanne Polytechnic School (EPFL ↗). Works in Paris and Brussels, and mainly with Brunet-Saunier. Teaches since 2021 at the School of Architecture of Normandy. Hold a teaching position at the Paris-Est School of Architecture from 2007 to 2021. (ENSAVT ↗).
Helena Andersson (SWE), Jacopo Anzolin (IT), Sandra Arnaudo (FR), Thibaut Barrault (FR), Sarah Bastide-Carrière (FR), Rémi Désir (FR), Bérengère Fornalczyk (FR), Pia Lepetit (FR), Hope Meyer (EN), Heather Moss (CA), Brieux Perruchet (FR), Cyril Pressacco (FR), Guillaume Prevost-Bouré (FR), Tadeusz Pruszkowski (FR), Ourania Vivien (FR), Martha Willee (ALL)
Wallness. Nature and culture of insulation. Building with hempcrete.

Published by Caryatide, 40€.
Find out more and order here ↗
Objets trouvés, Culture and Forms of repurposing

A project curated by Barrault Pressacco.
A book published by New Moon, 23€.
With the contributions of 42 international practices. Available in bookshops and online ↗
From Practice to research. To practice again

An article by Thibaut Barrault, Cyril Pressacco
Practices in Research #03 - Explorations&Cartographies ↗
A project of the interuniversity research group ‘In Practice’, supported by ULiège, KU Leuven and ULB. It explores the multiple ways in which architects can engage the professional practice in academic research and reciprocally.
You can read our contribution here ↗
Objet trouvé, les formes du réemploi

Folded A3 poster, recto/verso, color illustrations
Edited by Barrault Pressacco, Paris, November 2022, 2€
With République Studio (graphic design)
Please send us an email ↗ to receive the poster!
Accompanying our installation of the same name for La plateforme de la création architecturale
Cité de l’architecture & du patrimoine, Paris (75), France, November 2022 - March 2023
In Ground we Trust

With Giaime Meloni (photographs), République Studio (graphic design)
Folded A1 poster, recto/verso, color photographs and illustrations
Edited by Barrault Pressacco, Paris, May 2019, 2€
Please send us an email ↗ to receive the poster!
As part of the Architecture and Landscape Biennal BAP! ↗
Ecole d'Architecture de Versailles, Versailles (78), France, May 3rd - July 13th 2019
Pierre, Révéler la ressource, Explorer le matériau

With Giaime Meloni (photographs), République Studio (graphic design)
A5, 56 pages, color photographs and illustrations
Edited by the Pavillon de l'Arsenal, Paris, November 2018, 13€
To order ↗
Accompanying the exhibition of the same name, Pavillon de l'Arsenal, Paris 4, France, October 23rd - December 16th 2018
Objets trouvés, Culture and Forms of repurposing
Cité de l’architecture & du patrimoine
La plateforme de la création architecturale
In duo with the Collectif Encore, November 2022 - May 2023
Conserver, adapter, transmettre
Pavillon de l’Arsenal, November 2022 - March 2023
092LEB ↗
Visible, invisible
BAP! Biennal d’Architecture et de paysage d'Île de France, Versailles, 2021
Chief Curator: Nicolas Dorval-Bory, Guillaume Ramillien
« District 2024, AU-DELA du village des athlètes »
BAP! Biennal d’Architecture et de paysage d'Île de France, Versailles, 2021
Chief Curator: Dominique Perrault
L'Architecture Manifeste
School of Architecture of Bretagne, October 14th 2021 -November 11th 2021
Chief Curator: La Plateforme Rennes
More infos ↗
Lisbon Architecture Triennale, The Poetic of Reason
MAAT, Lisbon, October 3th 2019 -February 13th 2020
Chief Curator: Éric Lapierre
More infos ↗
Augures ↗, Biennal d’Architecture d'Île de France
Ecole d’Architecture de Versailles, Versailles, May 4th-July 13th 2019
Chief Curator: l’AUC - Djamel Klouche
086 AUG ↗
Cité Radieuse, Briey, November 23 2018-February 4th 2019
Pavillon de l’Arsenal, Paris, February 27th-April 21 2019
Chief Curator: Jean-Christophe Quinton
085 BRI ↗
Pierre, Révéler la ressource, Explorer le matériau

Pavillon de l’Arsenal, Paris, October 23th-December 16th 2019
Chief Curator: Thibaut Barrault et Cyril Pressacco
066 FAI ↗
Habiter Plus, Habiter Mieux
Pavillon de l’Arsenal, Paris, April 5th-September 2nd 2018
Curator: Pavillon de l'Arsenal
027 OBK ↗
18m2, Habitat Étudiants, Projets d'avenir
Pavillon de l’Arsenal, Paris, June 25th-September 1st 2013
Curator: Éric Lapierre
035 CGC ↗
October 19, 2024
Engadine Architecture Days
A different way of building ?
December, 6th
Bauhaus-Universität Weimar
Sprechen über Architektur
November, 18th
March, 22nd
École Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Bretagne, France
Enseigner, construire, chercher
February, 22nd
University of Notre Dame, School of architecture, Indiana, USA
The necessity of fullness
January, 28th
Architectural Association, School of Architecture
(Re)Building with Stone: Ashlars, Spolias, Quarries and Cities.
February, 12th
Mav paca
Conférence Khora
April 7th
TU München, B&O Gruppe
Simply building - traditional techniques and new rules
November, 16th
École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
Studio Texas led by Éric Laprierre
WIP, a conversation about teaching with Sophie Delhay
October 27th, 2021, 11h
Practice in Research, CIVA, Bruxelles
From Practice to research. To practice Again.
October 24th, 2021, 14h
École Polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne, Studio EAST
Stones, Forms, Energy
September 23rd, 2019, 14h
École Spéciale d'Architecture, Paris 14, France
The Map and the Assembly
Video ↗
March 26th, 2019, 13h30
Marne la Vallée School of Architecture, Marne la Vallée, France
Reasoned forms: Analogy, Appertaining, Autonomy
Video ↗
February 20th, 2019, 9h00
Belleville School of Architecture, Paris, France
To build
February 14th, 2018, 13h
Versailles School of Architecture, Versailles, France
February 2nd, 2018, 20h
Centrer for Fine Arts, BozArt, Brussels, Belgium
The Stone Rush (in conversation with Gilles Perraudin and Freek Persyn)
Video ↗
April 28, 2017, 9h00
Mendrisio Academy of Architecture, Mendrisio, Switzerland
Appertaining & Abstraction
April 28, 2016, 17h00
Palais de Tokyo, Paris, France
Which identity for the Grand Paris? Stone as an assumption
AR Emerging awards ↗
December 2022, Finalist
052 RAI ↗, 18 apartments, Le Raincy (14), France
November 2021, Équerre d’Argent, Housing category, Nominee
052 RAI ↗, 18 apartments, Le Raincy (14), France
September 2022, Prix d’architectures 10+1, Winner
027 OBK ↗, Housing, Paris 11, France
December 2018, EU Mies Award, Nominee
027 OBK ↗, Housing, Paris 11, France
November 2018, Prix AMO, Finalist
027 OBK ↗, Housing, Paris 11, France
November 2018, Équerre d’Argent, Nominee
027 OBK ↗, Housing, Paris 11, France
October 2018, Le Geste d’Or, Mention
008 GSM ↗, House, Gonneville-sur-Mer (14), France
June 2015, Palmarès de l’Architecture du Calvados, Special Mention
008 GSM ↗, House, Gonneville-sur-Mer (14), France
October 2013, Équerre d’Argent, Prix de la Première Oeuvre, Nominee
Thibaut Barrault
Since 2019, Paris-Est School of Architecture (ENSAVT ↗), Master ‘Fragments’, 4th and 5th year (M1, M2), with Ido Avissar, Cyril Pressacco and Thaïs de Roquemaurel
2016-2019, Paris-Est of Architecture (ENSAVT ↗), Master, 4th and 5th year (M1, M2, M3) ‘Métropoles’, studio led with Cyril Pressacco
2018, Versailles School of Architecture (ENSAV ↗), Bachelor, 2nd year (P22), with Ido Avissar
2013-2016, Paris-Est School of Architecture (ENSAVT ↗), Master, 4th year and degrees (M1, M4), ‘Théorie&Projet’, assistant Jacques Lucan, Odile Seyler and Éric Lapierre
2007-2013, Paris-Est School of Architecture (ENSAVT ↗), Bachelor, 1st year (L1), Architectural Analysis, Introduction to History and Theory of Architecture
Cyril Pressacco
Since 2021, School of Architecture of Normandy, Master, 4th and 5th year ‘Expérimentations’
2019-2021, Paris-Est School of Architecture (ENSAVT ↗), Master ‘Fragments’, 4th and 5th year (M1, M2), with Ido Avissar, Thibaut Barrault and Thaïs de Roquemaurel
2016-2019, Paris-Est School of Architecture (ENSAVT ↗), Master, 4th and 5th year (M1, M2, M3) ‘Métropoles’, studio led with Thibaut Barrault
2019, Versailles School of Architecture (ENSAV ↗), Bachelor, 2nd year (P22), with Ido Avissar
2013-2016, Paris-Est School of Architecture (ENSAVT ↗), Bachelor, 1st year (L1), Architectural Analysis, Introduction to History and Theory of Architecture
2010-2013, Paris-Est School of Architecture (ENSAVT ↗), Master, 4th year and degrees (M1, M4), ‘Théorie&Projet’, assistant Jacques Lucan, Odile Seyler and Éric Lapierre
2007-2010, Paris-Est School of Architecture (ENSAVT ↗), Bachelor, 1st year (L1), Architectural Analysis, Introduction to History and Theory of Architecture
d'a, n°313, December-January 2024
Towards an environmental rationalism, Maryse Quiron, pages 8-17
The Architectural Review, n°1496, November 2022, “AR Emerging”, Elise Limon, pages 48-53
052 RAI ↗
D’architectures, n°303, November-December 2022, “Le temps retrouvé”, Soline Nivet, pages 94-101
052 RAI ↗
AMC, n°307, September 2022, Margaux Darrieus, pages 48-53
The Architectural Review, n°1490, April 2022, “Stone”, Steve Webb, page 8
AMC, n°299, October 2021, “La recherche en agence, une production de savoirs au plus près du projet”, Margaux Darrieus, pages 10-13
047 MRX ↗
D’architectures, n°291, September 2021, “Béton de chanvre : l'isolation comme acte d'architecture”, Benoît Joly, pages 104-106
047 MRX ↗
AMC (website), “Chaux et chanvre en façade pour Barrault Pressacco à Paris XVIII ème”, article ↗, Alice Dubet
047 MRX ↗
Werk, Bauen+Wohnen, July-August 2021, Besser wohnen “Der Erker”, pages 14-21
027 OBK ↗
Baumeister, September 2019, “Kalkstein en bloc”, pages 28-13-37
027 OBK ↗
STEIN, August 2019, “Brétignac im block”, front cover, pages 6-13
027 OBK ↗
DETAIL, June 2019, “Social Housing Scheme in Paris”, pages 64-69
027 OBK ↗
DBZ Deutsche Bauzeitschrift, May 2019, “Tragender Kalkstein”, Thomas Geuder, pages 48-53
027 OBK ↗
AMC, n°274, December 2018/January 2019, “Barrault Pressacco: 17 logements sociaux paris 11ème”, G.D./M.D, pages 82-83
027 OBK ↗
Pierre Actual, n°977, December 2018, “Le pavillon de l’Arsenal exalte la construction en pierre massive”, page 59
027 OBK ↗
Cyber Archi, (website), November 2018, “A Paris le Pavillon de l'Arsenal rend hommage à la pierre“, Sipane Hoh
007 AR6 ↗
D’architectures, (website), November 2018, “Barrault Pressacco: 28 logements sociaux à Arcueil”
027 OBK ↗
Architectures Crée, n°385, June 2018, “Barrault Pressacco: Logements en pierre rue Oberkampf”, Christine Blanchet, pages 80-87
027 OBK ↗
20 minutes, n°3284, May 14th, 2018, "La pierre massive se rebâtit une réputation en béton", Caroline Sénécal, page 2
027 OBK ↗
Architectures Crée, n°385, May 2018, “Interroger la tradition et rendre actuels les ouvrages du passé”, Amélie Luquain, pages 78-87
027 OBK ↗
Les Cahiers Techniques du Bâtiment, n°367, March 2018, “Un quatuor d’acteurs met la pierre à l’honneur”, Hugo Leroux, pages 10-11
027 OBK ↗
Télérama, n°3552, February 7th, 2018, “C’qu’elle est belle ma HLM”, Luc Le Chatelier, page 37
027 OBK ↗
AMC (website), February 2018, “Pierre et béton jouent dans la même cour”, Margaux Darrieus
027 OBK ↗
D’architectures, n°259, December 2017/February 2018, “17 logements sociaux en pierre massive, rue Oberkampf, Paris”, Loïc Couton, pages 104-113
027 OBK ↗
Pierre Actual, n°961, June 2017, “Rue Oberkampf, la pierre de Brétignac massive relie Haussmann et le 21ème siècle”, Claude Gargi, pages 13-15
027 OBK ↗
Architecture d’Aujourd’hui, n°417, March 2017, “Pierre Brute, Construction en pierre”, Andreas Kofler, pages 86-88
027 OBK ↗
AMC, n°258, March 2017, “La pierre s’hybride en masse”, Margaux Darrieus, pages 17-19
027 OBK ↗
Les Echos (website), May 2016, “Grand Paris: des architectes militent pour la pierre”, Agathe Mercante
007 AR6 ↗
Le Moniteur, n°5748, January 2014, ”Epure constructive”, Félicie Geslin, page 31
011 GSM ↗
AMC, n°229, December 2013/January 2014, “Première oeuvre/nominé”, pages 120-121
035 CGC ↗
Le Journal du Dimanche, n°3468, June 30th, 2013, "Un village étudiant au centre de l'agglomération", Marie-Douce Albert, page 4
Photographies: | Maxime Delvaux Clément Guillaume Giaime Meloni Séverin Malaud Léon Prost (office portrait) |
Design: | République Studio |
Code: | Olivier J |
Typeface: | Radim Peško |
Traduction: | Idiomatiques |
Copyright: | Barrault Pressacco All rights reserved |
Since 2009: | Aude Aboul-Nasr (FR), Clémence Allegre (FR), Roxanne Alonso-Braissand (FR), Bérénice Aubriot (FR), Julie André-Garguilo (FR), Mathis Augustin (FR), Tristan Bazot (FR), Cyril Beaugé (FR), Mikael Béja (FR), Élise Besnard (FR), Thibaut Brahic (FR), Darius Chambrin (FR), Arthur Clauss (FR), Florent Clier (FR), Thomas Crozet (FR), Louis De Cussac (FR), Charles Darrousez (FR), Grégoire Deberdt (FR), Marc Délez (CH), Sylvain Destouches (FR), Hugo Dreneau (FR), Nastassia Drouin (FR), Elise Duchêne (FR), Camille Fahy (FR), Déborah Feldman (RO), Léonard Gaugler (FR), Jasmina Girod (CH), Morgane Gernigon (FR), Luke Gleeson (IR), Adrien Giuglio (FR), Eva Gourdon (FR), Raphaël Hucliez (FR), Mathilde Hué (FR), Majella Huri (SU), Linna Issa (FR), Ann Sophia Kirchhofer (DE), Narjiss Jamoussi (MR), Juan Jerez (ES), Antoine Lebot (FR), Hélène Leduc (FR), Olivier Lekien (BE), Clara LeTourneux (CA), Eva Lindsay (EN), Romane Madede-Galan (FR), Quentin Madiot (FR), Clémence Merklen (FR), Anouk Merleau (FR), Hélène Meyer (CH), Martin Migeon (FR), Camille Moreau (FR), Federico Musso (IT), Théophile Noyer (FR), Hugues Noyer (FR), Lena Osterchrist (DE), Raphaëlle Paire (FR), Filippo Pasini (IT), Morgane Perez (FR), Anaïs Pestalozzi (CH), Camille Perrillat-Charlaz (FR), Brieux Perruchet (FR), Natalia Petkova (SL), Anatole Poirier (FR), Guillaume Prévost-Bouré (FR), Pauline Rabjeau (FR), Ève Repaux (FR), Igor Rhinn (FR), Antoine Roussel (FR), Pauline Soulenq (FR), Timothée Van Sprengel (FR), Alexis Stremsdœrfer (FR), Marcos Suelves (GE), Kim Taeyun (CO), Loic Tatinclaux (FR), Hermine De Volder (BE), Cassandre Verdier (FR), Camille Vullierme (FR), Josephine Widerski (FR) |